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Broken-hearted Once Again

Writer: tashiyamatashiyama

Thought it would last forever? Never thought it would be like this? Wish you could go back and change just one thing?

If you’ve ever asked yourself any of those questions than you know exactly how I feel right now. Me and my now ex-boyfriend had one of the worst break-ups you could possibly imagine, so now begins the mourning phase. I have cried, texted, facebooked, cried, laughed, cried, raged, cried journaled, and cried some more. My friends have rallied for me like the wonderful people they are, so now I feel the next healthy thing way to mourn the end of my relationship is to blog.

It’s not that I wanted to break up, but have you ever felt like the other person just didn’t give you any other choice? I mean I tried everything I could think of to make it work, but one person a relationship does not make. It takes two to tango and my other half just wasn’t putting in the effort. So I left. Packed up all my things and moved out. Now I live with a good friend in a new town and I’m attempting to start a new life. Make better goals and try to achieve them as quickly as possible. Trying to stay busy and doing every single thing I can not to think about HIM.

Have any of you ever gone through this? How did you cope day to day? What can I do to make my days easier? My fall back plan is always to work as much as possible, try to stay on the phone with loved ones, watch movies, don’t listen to any music, and keep my sanity. But there are always those moments when there is nothing on tv, nobody is awake to talk to, and you just can’t go to sleep. Those are the crying moments. So as I shed more tears I ask, is there a right way to deal with it? Is there a wrong way?

Please do not misunderstand this blog. I am a strong, independent woman. But I’m also human, and I gave my heart to someone thinking he would treasure it forever. Things don’t always work out the way we want them to…

originally written in 2012

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